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A word that means "I Love You" in dinosaur.

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Welcome to Rawr

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What is Rawr?

Rawr is a word that means "I love you" in dinosaur, but it also is this small library build to implement a lot of features to the PHP language. Rawr is an open-source project meant to make the PHP language a few better, as much as it has a lot of little failures that sometimes let me angry. The project started after a big criticism to PHP and its inconsistence with function names and the design of the language. To solve a big part of these problems, we got Rawr. It implements and simulates static-typing (via contracts by wrappers), functional programming (piping, method-chaining, monads, typeclasses, algebraic-data-types, pattern-matching), a more pure object-orientation (with the concept of Self and Smalltalk OO, where everything is an object that can receive and pass messages) and the concept of modules, in a way similar as Python or Haskell do, aiming a more pure way to program and taking into account that so many developers do several mistakes and workarouns with PHP. Rawr is build to be type-safe and for applications that require to not crash.

Static typing

Different from Java, where primitives aren't objects, here each type is literally a class and each value of a rawr-defined variable is a pure object. As much as Alan Kays definition of object-orientation, the objects have behaviors and Rawr also allows method-chaining in order to make the things and calls easier. You can also restrict function parameters to specified types or derived types to assert type-safety:

$age = Int (18);
$ableToDrive = Lambda (
  /** :: Int -> Bool */
  function (Int $age) {
    return $age -> greaterOrEq (18);

$ableToDrive($age) -> inspect (); // Object (bool);

Some types are derived, this is, as example, Int and Float are derived from Num type, therefore we can make a function that accepts any of them as a parameter:

$sqrtOf = Lambda (
  /** :: Num -> Float */
  function (Num $n) { return $n -> sqrt (); }

Rawr uses a Haskell-like type-system, you can use almost of Haskell type definitions here, with PHP.

Functional programming

Rawr implements several functional concepts, such as function-composition, pattern-matching, monads or algebraic-data-types.

$multiplyTwo = Lambda (
  /** :: Int -> Int */
  function (Int $n) {
    return $n -> times (2);

$multiplyThree = Lambda (
  /** :: Int -> Int */
  function (Int $n) {
    return $n -> times (3);

$multiplySix = $multiplyTwo -> o ($multiplyThree);
$multiplySix(Int (7)) -> toString () -> putStrLn (); // => 42

You can easily handle lists by chaining methods:

$myList = ยง (1, '...', 10) -> of ("Data.Num.Int")
-> map (Lambda (function (Int $n) { return $n -> times (Int (2)); }))
-> filter (Lambda (function (Int $n) { return $n -> isEven (); })
-> reduce ("+");

Smalltalk-based object orientation

In Rawr, almost everything is an object. The behaviors of these objects are determined according to their types, e.g.: objects of Str class can have a side-effect behavior called putStrLn that outputs its content to screen, as much as objects of bool atoms, true and false can have behaviors like ifTrue and ifFalse. You don't use conditionals, loops or other imperative structures. You enjoy the pureness of well-designed languages to work with your computations:

$oddNumTil100 = (new Collection (1, 3 '...', 100)) -> of ("Data.Num.Int")
-> filter (Lambda (function (Int $n) { return $n -> greaterOrEq (50); }))
-> each   (Lambda (function (Int $n) { Show ($n) -> putStrLn (); }));

$magicHappens = $oddNumTil100 -> contains (Int (7))
-> ifTrue (Lambda (function () { Str ("Yes, it containts 7.") -> putStrLn (); }))
-> ifFalse (Lambda (function () { Str ("No, there is no 7.") -> putStrLn (); }));

Monads for work with computations that may fail

Rawr implements also most of Haskell built-in monads, such as Maybe and Either. You can chain operations and work with computations that may fail, you can also apply pattern-matching to check for your results. In Rawr, you use no exceptions, there is no errors. You can have a data-type for errors in Data.Error that is returned when something goes wrong. You can match its pattern.

$numberOne  = Int (1);
$numberZero = Int (0);
# Here operation can be Just _ or Nothing.
$operation  = Maybe ($numberOne -> div ($numberZero));

# Applying identity and chaining computations as much as "programmable semicolons".
$operation -> bind (function (Int $res) { return $res });

# enum Maybe<T> { Just<T>, Nothing }
Match ($operation) -> withConstr ([
  "Data.Maybe.Just x"  => function ($x) { Str ("We got a result: \(0).") -> format ($res -> fromJust ()) -> putStrLn (); }
, "Data.Maybe.Nothing" => function () { Str ("Operation failure.") -> putStrLn (); }

$eitherOperation = Either ($numberOne -> div ($numberZero));
$eitherOperation -> either (
  function ($_) { Str ("Error. Division by 0."); }
, function (Int $x) { Str ("Value: \(0)") -> format ($x) -> putStrLn (); }

# enum Either<T> { Left<T>, Right<T> }
Match ($eitherOperation) -> withConstr ([
  "Data.Either.Right x" => function ($x) { Str ("Value: \(0)") -> format ($x -> val ()) -> putStrLn (); }
, otherwise             => function () { Str ("Error. Division by 0."); }


Rawr also supports a Self/Javascript based prototype programming, in a much more expressive way than class-based-programming does, and also provides first class data-types for better data-abstraction:

Type ("Employee") -> where (function ($type) {
  $type -> derives (String);
  $type -> with    (["Programmer"
                   , "Boss"
                   , "DBA"        => "Database administrator"]);

# Type Dollars that derives Maybe and Float and is Nothing() by default
Type ("Dollars") -> derives ([Maybe, Float]) -> def (Nothing ());

$worker = Object ([
  $name => String
, $age  => Int
, $salary => Dollars
, $position => Employee

$worker -> prototype -> greet = Lambda (
  function ($self) {
    Str ("Hello, I'm \(name) and I'm \(age) years old!")
    -> format (["name" => $self -> name
              , "age"  => $self -> age])
    -> putStrLn ();

$worker -> prototype -> sayPosition = Lambda (
  function ($self) {
    Str ("I'm a \(0) here.") -> format ($self -> position)
    -> putStrLn ();

$sophia = $worker -> instance ();
# or:
# $sophia = clone $worker;

$sophia -> with ([
  "name"     => "Sophia J."
, "age"      => 19
, "salary"   => Just (3500)
, "position" => Type (Employee) -> Programmer;

$sophia -> greet ();
$sophia -> sayPosition ();