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A Node-compliant user tracking library made with love and JS.


CapyTracker is a session tracker. It'll fetch informations like visited pages, browser name and version, date and session durations and send over your customized API.


You can install the library directly via npm and add it as a dependency for your project:

npm install --save capy-tracker

If you are a power user, you may want to compile from sources. It is also quite simple!

sudo npm install -g webpack
git clone --depth=1
cd capy-tracker/
npm install
webpack --minify

The source files capy-tracker.js and capy-tracker.min.js will be generate inside dist/ directory. If you want to run the tests, do npm test:

npm test


Include capy-tracker.min.js in every page you want to track. The library has no autoload, you must initialize it (believe, side-effects aren't cool). The library exports the CapyTracker object-class.


const definitelyNotATracker = new CapyTracker({ target: window, api: apiUrl });

.start() will trigger the initialization. If a user session already exists, CapyTracker will take it; otherwise, a session will be created.

The tracker receives in its constructor an object containing the target (window, unless you are on Node) and the the api (URL). It'll touch the API everytime an interaction happens.


The following methods are exposed:

getCurrentSession :: Maybe string -- Returns a monad containing "Just" the current session or "Nothing"
start :: () -- Initializes a session or reuses the current one
trackTime :: () -- Call this after `start` if you want to log when user quits your page
stop :: () -- Kills the current session permanently
collectData :: {
  url :: { hostname :: string, pathname :: string },
  date :: number,
  browser :: { name :: string, version :: string },
  session :: string
} -- Purely gives the current information


The API should be compliant with the following

A special thanks to @ythecombinator, who provided me the logo!